
Volume 8, Issue 1 (2015)

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All papers in this Issue are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0).

Valerija Botrić, Ljiljana Božić
Fostering innovation through creativity stimulation methods in Croatia

Alexios Kythreotis
The interrelation among faithful representation (reliability), Corruption and IFRS adoption: An Empirical investigation

Kleanthis K. Katsaros, Athanasios N. Tsirikas, Christos S. Nicolaidis
Firm performance: The role of CEOs' emotional and cognitive characteristics

Mohammed I. Shuaibu
Does trade tariff liberalisation matter for Intra-ECOWAS trade?

Georges Sarafopoulos
On the complex dynamics of a bounded rational monopolist model

Taofik Mohammed Ibrahim
The causal link between trade openness and government size: Evidence from the five largest economies in Africa

Themistokles Lazarides
A model for predicting Inactivity in the European Banking Sector

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