
Volume 15, Issue 2 (2022)

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All papers in this Issue are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0).

Krzysztof Łyskawa, Marietta Janowicz-Lomott
The Use of the Principle of Sharing and Mutuality in Covering Risks (in the Modern World)

Josip Visković, Lana Kordić, Marko Miletić
Banking Sector Race to Efficiency During Corona Crisis: Does Size Matter?

Jan Nokkala
High and Low Credit Risk in SME Portfolios: Evidence from Regulatory Risk Grade Dissemination

Gift Mupunga
Monetary Conditions Index and Economic Activity in Dollarized Zimbabwe

Abdul-Malik Abdulai
Unemployment and Foreign Direct Investment Nexus: Empirical Evidence from Ghana

Antonios Angelakis
Reframing the high-technology landscape in Greece: Empirical Evidence and Policy Aspects

Sofia Daskou
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Expenditures of Hellenic Supermarket Customers Spending Clusters: An Econometric Analysis

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