
Volume 7, Issue 2 (2014)

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All papers in this Issue are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0).

Nikola Mirkov
International financial transmission of the Fed's monetary policy

Iulian Vasile Popescu
The impact of the recent global crisis on the prioritization of central banks final objectives. A structural approach in the context of Central and Eastern European states

Lisbeth F. la Cour and Jennifer Müller
Growth and project finance in the least developed countries

George Djolov
Business concentration through the eyes of the HHI

Mihaela Simionescu
Directional accuracy of experts' forecasts for inflation and unemployment rate predictions in Romania

Ghulam Rasool Madni
Role of fiscal policy for private investment in Pakistan

Valentin Beck
The effects of the implementation of value-based management

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