
Volume 5, Issue 1 (2012)

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All papers in this Issue are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0).

Nima Massarrat-Mashhadi and Christian Sielaff
Testing taxpayers' cognitive abilities - Survey-based evidence

Sangaralingam Ramesh
Infrastructure, Knowledge and Economic Growth in China: 1953 – 2004

Aglaia G. Kalamatianou, Foteini Kougioumoutzaki
Employment Status and Job-Studies Relevance of Social Science Graduates: The Experience from a Greek Public University

Engin Deniz Eris, Omur Neczan Timurcanday Ozmen
The Effect of Market Orientation, Learning Orientation and Innovativeness on Firm Performance: A Research from Turkish Logistics Sector

Mihail N. Diakomihalis
Maritime Tourism Tax Revenues in Greece: A New Framework for Collection

Yousef Elyasi, Mohammad Rahimi
The Causality between Government Revenue and Government Expenditure in Iran

Sarbapriya Ray
Measuring and Decomposing Sources of Productivity Performance in India's Paper and Pulp Industry under Liberalized Regime: A Nonparametric Approach

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