
Volume 15, Issue 1 (2022)

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All papers in this Issue are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0).

Ya-Fang Wang
Audit Fees, Patent Litigation, and Long-Term Performance

Martha Matashu, Wedzerai S. Musvoto
Corporate Governance as the Driver of Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan African Countries

Hong-Wen Tsai, Hui-Chung Che, Bo Bai
Patent Claim’s Impact on Stock Return Rate Based on China Stock Market’s Empirical Study

Chrysanthi Balomenou, Erisa Pajollari
Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on International Trade: Case of USA and Canada

Emmanouil Karakostas
The Effects of Protectionism on the Exports of the Trade Partners: A Composite Index

Meng-Chi, Shen-Ho Chang
Effects of Directors and Officers Insurance on Earnings Management Strategies: Moderating Role of Restatement Announcements

Stylianos Ioannidis, Christos Karelakis, Zacharias Papanikolaou, George Theodossiou
Exploring Digitalisation Adaptation of Agro-food Firms: Evidence from Greece

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